Throughout the show, the audience were presented with a choice between two scenarios (one positive and one negative) for the man. The severity of the negative outcomes increased throughout the episode, and ranged from being mistakenly charged for an extra round of drinks, to being kidnapped by a ‘gang of thugs’. The audience chose the scenario with a negative outcome each time, and for Brown, this was evidence of the moral depravity that inevitably follows anonymity in crowds.
of the experiment
It is
worth briefly noting several methodological problems with the study. These
include the fact that it was not actually an experiment (as claimed by the
title) since no independent variable was manipulated (there was not a sample
making equivalent decisions alone or without masks), the ‘bad’ choice was
always presented to the audience second, the audience understood that the
consequences of their actions weren’t ‘real’, and Brown, who offered the
audience the choices, is renowned for his skill in influencing people’s
decision-making processes.
The audience acted in terms of their collective identity as audience members in at least two ways. First, the very object of being in a game show audience is by definition to be entertained. Each time the audience were faced with a choice, they picked what was clearly the most entertaining option, and the selection that would prolong their involvement in the event. Second, the menacing masks that audience members wore were hardly neutral cues; in fact the very same masks were later worn by the ‘group of thugs’ who attempted the kidnap in the final scene. This is reminiscent of a famous study by Johnson and Downing (1979), who noted that when people were given robes resembling those of the Ku Klux Klan they displayed more anti-social behavior than control participants. However, when participants were given nurses’ uniforms they displayed significantly less anti-social behavior than controls.
By Jenna Nicholas and Nicole Kuruppuarachchi