Big Brother is a popular reality game show franchise created by John de Mol.The premise of the show is that there is a group of people, dubbed as "housemates", living together in a specially constructed large house. During their time in the house they are isolated from the outside world and are not commonly aware of outside events. Contestants are continuously monitored by in-house television cameras as well as personal audio microphones during their stay. To win the final cash prize, a contestant must survive periodic evictions and be the last housemate remaining in the compound by the series' conclusion.
The Psychology of Big Brother By Daniel Jones
This book allows you to learn to watch Big Brother in the same way as the psychologist watch the show. Throughout this book the reader will learn to be able to 'read' the unconscious information that the Big Brother housemates give off, noticing whether they are likely to be lying or telling the truth, whether they are being manipulative, who is likely to do well and who is not, and much more.
You will learn what effect being in the Big Brother house is likely to have psychologically on the housemates and who is likely to cope best under the conditions set by Big Brother. The reader will also learn about flirt signals, bullying in the house and interpreting the housemate's dreams. Throughout, this book has used examples from Celebrity Big Brother 2007 to illustrate the points that he is covering.
Nineteen Eighty-Four By George Orwell
The Tv series Big Brother is loosely based George Orwell's
futuristic novel (in its time) was set in a totalitarian state, where every
aspect of every person's life was governed by a body of powerful people who
watched every move a citizen made through countless cameras and 'telescreens'.
Nothing you said or did could be kept secret, and the similarity between this
and the TV show 'Big Brother' ends there.
The story itself was much darker; not only were you being constantly watched, which would have been bad enough in itself, but even your thoughts were manipulated. You would literally be made to believe a lie if that's what Big Brother wanted.
By Jenna Nicholas and Nicole Kuruppuarachchi
The story itself was much darker; not only were you being constantly watched, which would have been bad enough in itself, but even your thoughts were manipulated. You would literally be made to believe a lie if that's what Big Brother wanted.
By Jenna Nicholas and Nicole Kuruppuarachchi
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